Professor Darren Gray, an infectious disease epidemiologist, is Program Director, Population Health Program at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute. He is the former Acting Director of the National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health/Research School of Population Health and Head of the Department of Global Health at the Australian National University. He has been on a rapidly increasing research and leadership trajectory becoming Professor, Head of Department and Deputy Head of School within 10 years of completing his PhD; and then Head of School. He has also held 3 consecutive research fellowships (including a Griffith University Postdoc, ARC DECRA and an NHMRC CDF). Prof Gray completed a Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) in 1999; Master of Science (Tropical Infectious Diseases) in 2001; Graduate Certificate in Public Health (Tropical Health) in 2003; and was awarded in 2008 a PhD (Population Health: Tropical Health) from the University of Queensland, Australia. Prof Gray currently leads a research program that investigates the transmission and control of tropical infectious diseases and diseases of poverty, including some of the most prevalent and important infections that cause much suffering and economic loss worldwide. He aims to develop new public health interventions against these diseases that will lead to their sustainable control and eventual elimination. Prof Gray has worked in tropical health since 2004 particularly Southeast Asia (China, Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Lao PDR, PNG, Bhutan, Fiji and Timor-Leste).