Gifts in Wills

Include us in your Will. Our most important partner is you.

Why Gifts in Wills are important

Throughout the history of QIMR Berghofer, generous individuals have significantly assisted with the funding of ground breaking research by their bequests now known as a “Gift in your Will”.

QIMR Berghofer operates high quality integrated scientific support services that underpin our world-class research programs. Gifts in Wills (Bequests) continue to be a vital source of funding to ensure the delivery of this research quickly and efficiently.

Choosing to leave a Gift in your Will (also known as a bequest) is a deeply personal choice, a decision that takes time and thought, and we are extremely grateful to you for considering us. By including QIMR Berghofer in your Will you are giving a gift to future generations who will benefit through vital medical research. Your Gift will have an impact now and in the future that is immeasurable.

Richard and Carole Szekely

After we lost our son, we wondered who we would give the money to when we die, one day. Over the years, we found out about legacy donations. We agreed it would be better to leave a donation to a cause that is close to our heart. We hope medical researchers find a cure one day, and that they can help save someone else's life."

Our commitment to you

Leaving a gift in your will is an important decision.

  • your loved ones always come first
  • we will always respect your privacy
  • we will answer your questions honestly
  • you can choose how your gift is used
  • you have the right to change your mind at any time
  • we will handle your Gift and your wishes with great care
  • we will respect your privacy if you prefer to keep this information confidential.

If you have left a us a Gift in Your Will, we would like to thank you. If you choose to leave a Gift in Your Will to QIMR Berghofer, we would be honoured to know and understand your intentions. Sharing your wishes with us gives us the opportunity to personally thank you and keep you informed of regular updates.

Wording your will

Once you’ve decided on the type of gift you’d like to make, ask your solicitor to draft a clause. We recommend using the following wording:

I give and bequeath (specify the type of gift) to the Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, 300 Herston Road, Herston QLD 4006, ABN 31 411 813 344, to be applied for general charitable purposes, and in respect of such legacy I declare as follows:

(a) A general charitable intent shall apply;

(b) The receipt of the Secretary for the time being shall constitute a full and sufficient discharge to executors and trustees;

(c) My executors and trustees shall not be obliged to see or to enquire into the application of money or assets, the subject of such legacy.’

Download free copy of our Gifts in Wills brochure (PDF 6 MB)

How to make a Gift in Your Will

You can choose from several types of bequests

A Residual Gift

With this type of gift, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute receives the balance of the estate after those specifically named in the Will have been provided for.

Specific Gift

This type of gift enables you to leave a specific cash amount or other asset to QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

A Pecuniary Gift

This is a gift of a fixed sum of money made to QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

A Percentage Gift

This can be any percentage of your total estate up to 100 percent. This type of gift enables you to share your estate among several people or organisations without specifying the property or amounts.

Contact Us

To have a confidential discussion regarding your legacy please contact our Gifts in Wills Specialist, Lorraine Fraser.
Ph: 0408 722 877