Professor Stuart MacGregor holds a PhD (2003) in statistical genetics from the University of Edinburgh in the UK. He was a lecturer in Genetic Epidemiology at Cardiff University UK from 2003 to 2005. In 2005 he moved to the Queensland Institute of Medical Research. He began student supervision as principal advisor in 2009, contemporaneous with an honorary appointment at University of Queensland (Senior Lecturer 2009-2012, with promotions to Associate Professor 2012-2020, Professor 2020). He was appointed lab head at QIMR Berghofer in 2012. His current position is Group Leader and Principal Research Fellow at QIMR Berghofer.
Professor MacGregor is an internationally recognized leader in complex trait genetics. As well as uncovering links between genes and disease, he develops methods for genetic analysis. In his time at QIMR Berghofer his work has focused primarily on eye disease and on germline cancer genetics; Professor MacGregor played a major role in several landmark genome wide association studies (GWAS) in 2008-2011 on these diseases.
Professor MacGregor currently leads international academic collaborations focusing on GWAS discovery and translation (founding member of international consortia in glaucoma, myopia and melanoma), as well as collaborations with industry (23andMe). Since his first NHMRC project grant as CIA began in 2008 and since then he has been continuously funded by the NHMRC (supplemented by many other funding national and international funding bodies subsequently). His work mapping genes and developing new bioinformatics tools in the fields of ophthalmology and cancer have led to invitations to speak at major conferences (>10k delegates) in those disciplines. While his primary work is academic research, Professor MacGregor has also engaged in teaching and commercialization activities (consultancies, patents).
Area of Interest
Professor MacGregor is a statistical geneticist, studying the role genetic variation plays in determining risk of disease and its risk factors. His Statistical Genetics laboratory develops and applies statistical genetic methods to gene mapping studies across a wide range of traits and diseases.
One major focus is understanding genetic variation in various cancers. Cancers studied include skin cancers (including melanoma), ovarian cancer, breast cancer and oesophageal cancer.
Another major interest is ophthalmological genetics, with work ongoing to identify the specific genes involved in both eye disease and in underlying quantitative risk factors. Professor MacGregor plays a leading role in consortium science, most recently in successful large scale gene mapping studies in melanoma and in eye disease. His work developing and applying statistical genetic methods has led to publications in top journals.