Accommodation information
If you are looking for accommodation near QIMR Berghofer you should consider your lifestyle needs, budget, length of lease required, and the type or style of accommodation you are looking for.
Whilst QIMR Berghofer does not provide any accommodation services we do recommend that you consider these ideas:
Consider the suburbs around Herston, as prices, size and quality will vary with location. Additionally, you should consider transport options, parking or whether you want to be able to walk or cycle to the Institute. Suburbs close to Herston are;
- Kelvin Grove
- Bowen Hills
- Fortitude Valley
- Spring Hill
- Windsor
- Wilston
- Paddington
- Red Hill.
Make sure that you have read and understood all tenancy documentation before signing any agreements – ask questions if you do not understand the lease. The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) is a state government body that provides services regarding the rental sector. Bonds must be lodged to the RTA within 10 working days.
You should always inspect the property before signing any agreements. Do not rush into signing.
Meet all of the other occupants before moving into a share house. A written tenancy agreement is highly recommended to protect all parties of the lease
Use email to communicate so you have a documentation trail.
If you are a student, attend your University’s accommodation information session or ask them for help if necessary.
If you are a Student of QUT, UQ or Griffith. They have accommodation services that you can click here:
QUT students only:
UQ students only:
Griffith students only:
There is a myriad of services available to use online which can assist you in your accommodating needs. Using the above information you can make an informed choice when choosing your accommodations.