About the Trial
Stuttering or stammering is considered a disability that affects verbal communication – particularly the rhythm or flow of communication. Although the exact cause of stuttering is yet to be determined, genetics does play a role in stuttering, and a number of genetic variants having been identified to date.
The study involves 15 investigators at eight sites in Australia, the UK, the USA and The Netherlands. Study researchers are working to recruit 3,000 volunteers aged 7+ with a history of stuttering (past or present) into the study.
Individuals from Australian and New Zealand can participate by going to the ‘Participate Now’ link below. Participating in this study could make a genuine contribution to solving this disorder.
The Genetics of Stuttering Study aims to pinpoint the genes that predispose individuals to stuttering, which could revolutionise future research into the causes, treatment and prevention of the disorder.
The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and QIMR Berghofer are appealing for volunteers aged over 7 years of age with experience of stuttering (past or present) to participate in this study.
If you currently live with, or have a history of stuttering, we encourage you to volunteer for our ground-breaking research study.
- an online survey (approximately 10 minutes)
- saliva sample (depending on your responses to the survey, and at no cost to you).
Participate in the Trial
Contact Coordinators:
Professor Angela Morgan (MCRI)
Richard Parker (QIMR Berghofer)
T: 1800 931 759
E: geneticsofstuttering@mcri.edu.au
Write to:
Genetics of Stuttering Study,
Speech and Language Group,
Level 5, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute,
50 Flemington Road, Parkville, VIC, 3052, Australia.