Our Microscopy Facility is equipped with a comprehensive range of instruments for imaging both fixed or living cells and tissue. These include stereo microscopes, slide scanners, compound microscopes, confocal microscopes, intra-vital microscopes, a scanning electron microscope, cyclic immunofluorescence microscopy, spatial molecular imaging, and various analysis stations and software. We are equipped to capture images of cells or tissue stained with colourimetric dyes or fluorescent dyes at various resolutions from macro to super resolution.
We provide assistance and training on all instruments and software in the facility and can provide full service for some services if required.
Our Microscopy Facility is proudly supported by the Australian Cancer Research Foundation and operates microscopes in the ACRF-Centre for Comprehensive Biomedical Imaging.
We also proudly support and interact with the:
- Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society (AMMS)
- Light Microscopy Australia (LMA)
- Microscopy Australia (MA)
- ACRF Cancer Biology Imaging Facility and the ACRF Cancer Ultrastructure and Function Facility at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
- Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis-UQ (CMM)
- Microscopy Facility at Translational Research Institute
- Microscopy Facility at QUT
- Advanced Microscopy Facility at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI).
Our Microscopy facility provides services within four major categories:
1. Slide scanning
- Brightfield slide scanning for H&E, IHC and other chromogenic and colorimetric stains.
- Fluorescence slide scanning for biological samples stain with fluorescent dyes
2. General fluorescence imaging
- Widefield epifluorescence imaging microscopes
- Andor Spinning disk confocal microscope for fast image acquisition in brightfield and fluorescence
- Crest Optics Deepsim microscope for ~120nm super resolution fluorescence imaging
- Leica Stellaris 5 and Zeiss 780 NLO laser scanning confocal microscopes for high resolution 3D fluorescence imaging of cells and tissue samples
- Olympus FVMPE multiphoton microscope with MatiTai DeepSee and Insight DeepSee lasers, environmental chamber, analog triggering, anaesthetic equipment and animal health monitors for intravital imaging
3. Multi-well live cell imaging
- 3 Incucyte Zoom instruments for brightfield + 2 channel fluorescence with end-to-end image acquisition and analysis
- 2 Incucyte SX5 instruments for brightfield + 3 channel fluorescence with end-to-end image acquisition and analysis
4. Spatial biology platforms
- Akoya Phenocycler Open system for high-plex (up to 100) cyclic immunofluorescence imaging on the same tissue sample
- 10X Xenium In Situ system for up to 5000 RNA transcript spatial imaging
- Nanostring CosMx Spatial Molecular Imager for up to 6000 RNA transcript spatial imaging
The facility also provides access to a range of high specification analysis computers with specialised software for image analysis.
Training and education
Microscopes can appear complicated but can be less daunting if explained properly. Our highly experienced staff can assist with understanding microscopes in general and offers full training on all of the instruments in the facility. The facility can also provide some assistance with image analysis.
We also provide consultancy, technical assistance, and education and training on all of the instruments and software in the facility. We can provide full service where possible and outreach, including tours and visits to schools and companies, on request.
Our Team
Dr Tam Nguyen
Clay Winterford
EVOS FL Auto - Inverted fluorescence microscope
Leica MZ9-5 - Brightfield stereo microscope
Aperio Scanscope XT - Brightfield slide scanner
Aperio Scanscope AT Turbo - Brightfield slide scanner
Akoya Phenocycler – Cyclic immunohistochemistry
Nanostring CosMx
Zeiss 780 NLO - Point scanning confocal microscope
Andor WD Revolution - Spinning disk confocal microscope
IncuCyte Zoom
IncuCyte SX5
Multi-well scratch wound maker
Analysis software
ACRF – Centre for Comprehensive Biomedical Imaging.
ACRF - Centre for Optimal Cancer Therapy.
Defining the parameters and providing protocols, with advice, for measuring features of cell death by microscopy and flow cytometry.