Tropical Health and Emerging Pathogens

Tropical diseases and emerging pathogens research focus on understanding and combating infectious diseases that disproportionately affect populations in tropical and subtropical regions.

About Tropical Health and Emerging Pathogens

Tropical regions are often characterised by the presence of diseases not found in other areas of the world. Well-known viruses like Ebola and dengue, bacterial infections like cholera and tuberculosis, parasites including malaria, and many lesser-known pathogens are all prevalent in tropical regions.

These diseases, caused by a variety of pathogens including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi, pose significant public health challenges that can have devastating impacts on affected communities.

Our researchers take a multidisciplinary approach, integrating epidemiology, microbiology, immunology, entomology, and ecology to investigate the complex dynamics of tropical diseases and emerging pathogens.

By studying the transmission pathways, host-pathogen interactions, and ecological drivers underlying disease emergence and spread, we aim to develop effective prevention, control, and treatment strategies.

Promoting public health education and awareness are crucial for building resilience and reducing the burden of tropical diseases on vulnerable populations.