Research Focus
The Genomics and Machine Learning Labratory (GML) studies cancer and infected tissues in patient samples and mouse models. They generate novel data from spatial and single cell technologies and develop new computational and statical methods to find clinically important patterns from this complex data.
They pioneered the merging of two big data fields, sequencing and imaging, to advance understanding of pathological processes one cell at a time and across all cells within a diseased tissue.
By mapping cell types, their spatial organisation and cell-cell interactions in tissues, GML focuses on discovering new patterns and cellular regulation mechanisms that are hidden from traditional research approaches.
Examples of outcomes include cell and gene markers for predicting cancer progression risks, stratifying disease subtypes, discovering new drug targets to modulate the immune systems, and adding new capabilities for prioritising drugs most effective to each patient.
Research Projects
Current Research Projects
Developing next generation machine learning for diagnosis and prognosis from integrating spatial sequencing data and histopathological images (Spatial Cellular Pathology).
Predicting metastasis and disease progression using spatial data.
Discovering new immunotherapy drug targets using ligand-receptor screening from spatial and single cell data.
Research Team
Albert Xiong
Andrew Causer
Andrew Newman
Andrew Su
- NHMRC Investigator Grant
- NHMRC Ideas Grant
- National Breast Cancer Foundation
- Cancer Council Queensland
- Australia Research Council
- Pharmaceutical companies and Industry partners
- US Department of Defence
- WingForLife Foundation
Cellular neighborhood analysis in spatial omics reveals new tissue domains and cell subtypes
Further Information
- Ankur Sharma
- Brandon Wainwright
- Christian Nefzger
- Grant Montgomery
- Hanlee Ji
- Ian Frazer
- Kiarash Khosrotehrani
- Joseph Powell
- Jessica Mar
- Nathan Palpant
- Marc Ruitenberg
- Pete Simpson
- Nan Ye
- Fred Roosta
- Spatial industry partners