Obesity increases the risk of developing thirteen types of cancer that normal weight individuals may not develop despite of harbouring the same cancer risk loci. Globally, overweight/obesity may account for 544 300 cancer cases every year and is currently implicated in 15-20% of cancer-related mortalities. This places obesity second only to smoking as the most prevalent preventable cause of cancer. This project address two areas that we believe are currently severely understudied: 1) How does the obese phenotype affect male and female germ cells and thereby the intergenerational metabolic health and 2) How does a history of obesity affect future possibilities of cancer risk (epigenetic memory).
The aims are to: • Uncover the relationship between systemic metabolic challenge the epigenetic landscape of both male and female germ cells. • Demonstrate how efficiently the obese phenotype is transferred between generations in mice. • Conduct generational cancer studies.