Brain and mental health
Honours, Masters & Doctorate

Using large scale genetic data to understand cholinergic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s diseases

This project is suitable for Honours, Masters, MPhil, MD or PhD student. For those with experience in coding and statistics, and an interest in dementia, genetic epidemiology, and bioinformatics.

Project Supervisors

Associate Professor Michelle Lupton

Team Head


Cholinesterase inhibitors are the primary drugs currently used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but the exact mechanism of action is unclear. Gaining a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of cholinergic dysfunction and its underlying mechanisms at early stages of AD is crucial for facilitating the development of timely and more effective treatment strategies.


To use large-scale genetic data to understand the causal relationships between the cholinergic pathway and AD.

Project Potential

This work will facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the cholinergic system’s role in AD.