Visiting Students
If you are enrolled at an Australian or overseas University you may enrol as a visiting student to undertake a research project or placement with a scientist at QIMR Berghofer as a part of your degree program.
Visiting student placements are for no more than twelve months duration.
If you want to work at QIMR Berghofer for longer than this, for example you are a PhD student enrolled outside QIMR Berghofer and want to spend some of your time working with your co-supervisor at QIMR Berghofer, you should apply for admission as a PhD Student (Non – Review).
To be accepted as a Visiting Student at QIMR Berghofer you must:
- be enrolled in a degree at an Australian or recognised overseas University
- have already arranged a research project or placement with a QIMR Berghofer supervisor
- submit a completed Visiting Student Admission Form at least one month before you want to start at QIMR Berghofer
- International students must obtain an appropriate visa from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. This process may take more than 12 weeks to finalise and this should be taken into consideration when determining your visit dates.
Email the following documents as a single pdf to the Graduate Education team:
Please provide all documents in English.
Items 1-6 are compulsory. If you are unsure, please email the Graduate Education team
- Completed visiting student admission form
- Completed Student IP Deed
- Current curriculum vitae or resume
- Brief project outline (no more than one page)
- Copy of Photo ID for identification purposes
- A letter of support or training agreement or enrolment document* from your home University or course supervisor that confirms your placement at QIMR Berghofer is a part of your degree program
- Proof of a valid visa to study in Australia (international student only)
- Proof of comprehensive travel or medical insurance covering the student for the period you are at the Institute. We will need the policy statement. If your University does not cover your insurance, you may purchase your own overseas travel insurance. This is not required for Australian enrolled students.
*Training agreements – please provide this document as early as possible for signing. This information may be included in the letter of support or training document above but must be on university letterhead and must show that you will be covered during the whole of your stay at QIMR Berghofer (with dates).
Once we have received the completed form and all supporting documents, the Higher Degrees Committee will consider your application and Human Resources will notify you of the outcome in writing as soon as possible.
Please confirm your start date with the Human Resources Advisor.
On or prior to your first day, you must complete any conditions associated with your admission.
On the day of Induction, a member of the research group will need to meet you at reception to assist you with the Induction process.
Keep exploring
Student Intellectual Property Deed
Intellectual property (IP) arising from your studies could have the potential for commercialisation in the future. To successfully commercialise research outcomes, QIMR Berghofer requires unfragmented ownership of IP.
University Student Admission Process
As a student at QIMR Berghofer, you will be joining an elite cohort of exceptionally talented young scientists from around the globe working alongside leading investigators in state-of-the-art-laboratories.
Student Projects
We have a wide range of student projects, and many can be tailored to a student’s project research interests. View a list of projects available to students studying their PhD, Honours or Masters.