The proliferation of computers, gaming consoles and widespread use of the internet in the last 15 years has resulted in the emergence of behavioural addictions to digital technology, namely the internet and video games, and the rise of cyberbullying. Pathological internet use and video gaming have been associated with mental health issues (such as anxiety and depression), increased rates of obesity, introversion, a high degree of loneliness, disrupted family relationships and academic problems. Similarly, victims of cyberbullying can experience significant emotional and physical harm as well as social isolation. I have previously recruited a cohort of Australian adults who completed an online questionnaire in order to: (i) Identify risk factors associated with these behaviours, (ii) Investigate the emotional and educational or occupational impacts of these behaviours, and (iii) Examine the co-occurrence of these behaviours with other personality characteristics and psychopathologies such as substance use and mental health disorders. I offer a project to analyse the collected online questionnaire data, and to provide the Honours student access to the online questionnaire in order for them to potentially recruit a second cohort.